M1MT: Interactive map of water resources

M1MT: Interactive map of water resources – is a cartographic web resource, a systematic collection of information about the water resources of a district, region or territorial community. The map includes information on water resources (rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, swamps, etc.), water use registration and records.

Implement the automated geoinformation system of the water cadastre for the operational support of state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, and citizens with the necessary data on the water resources of the region. The implementing of the GIS for the water cadastre allows to facilitate and automate the work, significantly expand the use of topographic and thematic maps that contain a large amount of information necessary for the analysis of the hydrological regime of water bodies. Solve issues of effective water resources management by using cartographic and aerospace information, get quantitative and qualitative information about water bodies, which are inaccessible during field studies or measurements. Get online access to data using a mobile mapping app synchronized with the GIS.

Web map features:

  • navigation on the map, data editing, operating with vector layers of the map, spatial analysis, address search;
  • to view the information, the user does not need specialized software and a cartographer qualification, a web browser and an Internet connection are sufficient;
  • easy search, quick update and edit the database;
  • constant readiness of the resource for work, including from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet);
  • protection of information from distortion and unauthorized access;
  • collecting and editing data under the field conditions in real-time using a smartphone.

Interactive map of water resources – management tool for government and society

  • get a flexible platform for analysis, systematization and storage of data on water management facilities, water resources, their regime and quality, water use and users;
  • plan activities to improve the efficiency of water systems;
  • carry out operational monitoring of the quality of surface waters (make and promptly display data on special water use, water quality, level of pollution, etc.);
  • create and present electronic maps of water facilities, thematic maps for areas of activity, depending on the needs of individual departments and specialists;
  • carry out operational management in emergency situations (floods, overflows), simulate and predict flooded areas and etc;
  • ensure collection of data on violations in the use of water resources and adjacent territories (within water and coastal protection zones) under the field conditions in real time using a mobile app synchronized with the GIS;
  • ensure the protection of water resources and present planned measures to regulate and improve the state of river systems;
  • support the economic development of administrative education through the certification of water resources, raising the competitiveness of the local economy and increasing incomes.

Approximate layers set of an interactive map

  • natural hydrographic objects (rivers, lakes, springs, swamps, etc.);
  • artificial hydrographic objects (meliorative canals, ponds, reservoirs, etc.);
  • hydrological posts (river, lake, marsh, in reservoirs);
  • hydraulic structures (dams, water intake facilities, etc.);
  • water and coastal protection zones.

To create a M1MT: Interactive map of water resources customer must provide a list of water assets and their passport data, which will later be displayed in the web map database. For all objects of the water fund, it is necessary to indicate the exact location (cadastral number or location map from the Public Cadastral Map).

Сost and terms of the order

The cost of creating an interactive map is based on the number of thematic map layers, the number of water objects, the extensiveness of the database, and individual wishes of the customer. The deadline for web map creating a is up to 30 days from the provision of the initial information necessary for its implementation and the signing of a cooperation agreement.

Services to be provided prior to GIS development

  • Consulting
  • Scanning of paper documents and maps
  • Georeferencing of cartographic materials
  • Digitization
  • Provisioning of interactive map database
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