Successfully implemented projects

Geoinformation system of the Nesteriv Village Council

Customer: Nesteriv village council
Date of implementation: May 2017

Purpose of the project:

  • maintenance of the current state of the data on the administrative, domestic and industrial infrastructure of the Nesteriv village council;
  • obtaining information support and quick access to the spatial database and the necessary land management documents via the Internet;
  • accelerating and improving the efficiency of the decision-making process in the field of agriculture and construction;
  • planning of maintenance and repair of communications and administrative buildings;
  • maintenance of the database of engineering networks, prevention of emergencies;
  • observance of building regulations (electronic map visualizes security zones around engineering networks).

Results: introduced a modern management tool for the main treasure of the Ukrainian village. The interactive map displays the spatial information relevant to the head of the Nesteriv village council apparatus with the ability to operate thematic layers of the map and edit the content.

Interactive tourist map of Ternopil region

Customer: Department of Tourism of Ternopil Regional State Administration

Date of implementation: September 2018

Results: A cartographic web product designed to save, accumulate and display tourist information is implemented. The map consists of a system of geographic data and tourist objects with numerical monuments, additional information about the tourist infrastructure and a possibility of detailed acquaintance with these objects.

Medical geoinformation dissemination system for tick-borne infections

Customer: Ternopil State Medical University

Date of implementation: February 2018

Purpose of the project:

  • creation of a platform for fixing, storing and displaying data about places of distribution of pathogens of tick-borne infections;
  • analysis of morphometric indicators of ticks as diagrams and charts using system tools;
  • systematic monitoring, recording and monitoring of the medical and geographical situation in the studied region;
  • carrying out a spatial analysis of the prevalence of tick-borne diseases (babesiosis, anaplasmosis, piroplasmosis, etc.) and the monitoring of real threats to public health.

Results: a specialized medical cartographic and analytical resource has been introduced for collecting, storing, storing, analyzing and displaying information about the spread of tick-borne infections in a specific region. The map provides analytical information about a wide range of tick-borne infections in order to achieve a comprehensive look at the current situation with infectious diseases and their impact on the health of people and animals.

Interactive map of communal property management in the city of Ternopil


Customer: Office of accounting and control over the use of municipal property of the Ternopil city council
Date of implementation: September 2017

Purpose of the project:

  • implementation of automated accounting of objects of communal property;
  • monitoring of structural changes in the municipal sector of the city’s economy;
  • ensuring control over the effective use of communal property objects;
  • ensuring the implementation of managerial decisions, openness and transparency of information about the state of the city’s communal services.

Results: an automated cartographic system has been introduced for collecting, recording, accumulating, processing and displaying information about the communal property of the city community of Ternopil. The web map includes more than 1000 objects of communal property, is the most concise tool for streamlining a large amount of spatial information and contributes to improving the efficiency of use of city property.

Інтерактивна карта управління комунальним майном

Interactive learning map of “The history of becoming the territory of Ukraine””

Customer: Department of Education and Science of Ternopil Council

Date of implementation: September 2018

Purpose of the project:

  • visualization of historical places and events, including changes in the state territory of Ukraine by means of cartographic, photo and video materials placed on one map;
  • introduction of interactive teaching methods with a wide range of opportunities for combining, processing and displaying various spatial information;
  • to stimulate the desire to study the history of the land and the country, to form national consciousness, own identity, patriotism and love for the native land, their people, the desire to work for the state, the willingness to defend it;
  • to educate a full-fledged citizen – a patriot of Ukraine who is able to freely navigate in public life and realize his role and responsibility before society and the state, to know her history and defend her honor;
  • draw attention to the rich historical and cultural heritage of the native land (castles, palaces, sacred sights, etc.).

Results: using modern achievements of web-cartography and programming, an accessible learning tool is created, designed to systematize and visualize key events in the history of Ukraine, Ternopil region and the city of Ternopil: territorial changes, achievements of diplomacy, culture.

Interactive map “Wooden temples of Ternopil region””

Customer: Department of Internal Policy, Religion and Nationalities of the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Date of implementation: August 2018

Purpose of the project:

  • creation of a spatial electronic database of monuments of the wooden sacral heritage of Ternopil region;
  • visualization of the state of the wooden temples of Ternopil region by means of cartographic, photo and video materials as a geographic information system;
  • creation of a single information field for the community of hangers of wooden architecture;
  • introduction of interactive technologies of visualization of information with wide possibilities of combining, processing and displaying spatial data of sacred content;
  • to attract the attention of the society to the rich sacred heritage of the native land.

Results: using an up-to-date mapping and information technology, an affordable tool for fixing, recording, organizing, storing and visualizing information about the wooden temples of Ternopil region was created. The resource, on the one hand, gives a spatial representation of the nature of the distribution of wooden temples across the territory of the Ternopil region, and, on the other hand, the possibility of communicating information to a wide range of users through its publicity.

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