M1MT: Emergency prevention geoinformation system

M1MT: Emergency prevention geoinformation system is a specialized cartographic and analytical resource, developed for collecting, saving, storing, analyzing and displaying information in the field of fire and technological safety, civil protection, in order to the readiness of the relevant infrastructure to overcome potential consequences of emergency situations. Use this modern solution to promptly respond to emergencies, clearly allocate resources of subordinate divisions, monitor and control the state of fire-fighting, special and other equipment, fire-fighting technical and rescue equipment.

Features of GIS:

  • the fullest possible set of functions: map navigation, data editing, vector map layers management, spatial analysis, address search, routing;
  • ease of search (including generic and parameter search), quick update and editing of the database;
  • a wide range of analytical features (displaying information in graphical form, spatial and statistical analysis);
  • constant operational readiness also via smartphone;
  • protection of information from distortion and unauthorized access;
  • availability of multi-user access mode and group database editing;
  • registering and keeping the history of incidents, recording fire equipment inspection results (photo fixation of non-compliance with the requirements of fire safety at enterprises, the integrity of fire hydrants, etc.).
Геоінформаційна система попередження надзвичайних ситуацій

GIS for preventing emergency situations is a tool for adopting decisions by emergency management bodies

  • get current spatial information about any possible natural and man-made emergency situations;
  • identify the shortest routes of emergency rescue and emergency response forces;
  • promptly arrange routes for evacuation of the population from emergency zones to safe places, including civil defense repositories, various types of shelters, etc.;
  • determine the required amount of forces and resources, develop a strategy and tactics of care assistance;
  • forecast scenarios of emergencies development in order to prevent or reduce the negative impact on the population, territory and environment;
  • create databases of digital spatial information about the territories and objects that experience the greatest natural and man-made impact (landslips, fires, etc.) and those areas where are located the most dangerous objects (dams, gas storage reservoirs, chemical enterprises, etc.) in terms of emergencies;
  • detect the improper state of equipment and tools directly affecting the safety of the population (for example, a statement on safety compliance of buildings, structures, fire safety requirements, the integrity of fire hydrants) by means of a GIS-sync audit subsystem.

An approximate set of GIS layers

  • field infrastructure (territorial divisions, civil defense shelters, fire hydrants);
  • areas managed by territorial divisions of the State Emergency Service;
  • localization of emergency events and incidents;
  • man-made and natural major hazard objects/areas;
  • business entities controlled by the State Emergency Service;
  • placement of alert systems for the population;
  • simulation of flooding areas and spreading of natural disasters, etc.

Requirements, cost, and terms of the order

To create the web map, the customer will provide in electronic format a database of territorial divisions of the State Emergency Service, civil defense shelters, fire hydrants, etc. (in tabular form in accordance with the example). Separate columns of the database will include the location of the relevant objects. If the customer cannot provide the database in electronic format, the employees of the company of the contractor may provide digitization services for the relevant documents subject to additional fees. The cost of GIS for preventing emergency situations is based on the price of software, number of layers (number of objects) that will be placed on the map, database network, number of named users, as well as individual requirements of the customer. Development of GIS takes up to 40 days from the moment of the provision of the necessary information for its implementation and signing of the cooperation agreement.


Services which will be provided prior to implementation of the map

  • Consulting
  • Scanning of paper documents and maps
  • Georeferencing of cartographic materials
  • Digitization
  • Provisioning of interactive map database
Коротка інформація

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