City audit and inspection platform is a modern solution for managing property and production assets of state utility companies, municipal operational services, as well as private enterprises operating in the field of public service. Implementation of the platform is aimed at the informational inventory of municipality problem areas (potholes on roads, lack of pedestrian crossings and inspection wells hatches, places of unauthorized waste storage, cutting trees, etc.) by means of mobile application equipped with a powerful geographic information platform. The system allows local authorities to release information about activities of city communal services and receive feedback from citizens on the quality of provided services in user-friendly form (for auditors, inspectors and citizens).
Features of the platform
- visualization of the actual state of property and production assets of the municipality on the electronic map;
- operational access to the materials of previous audits and inspections of the urban environment;
- ensuring the reliability of remote workers reporting (auditors, inspectors, etc.);
- participation effect and completeness of information perception when managing production and property assets remotely;
- an option to provide a photo-report of the problem, in addition to the text of the audit, to pass for processing exact coordinates of the incident, and evaluate the urgency of the solution;
- filtering auditors reports according to the specifics of the problem (maintenance of housing, roads, sidewalks, streets, city lighting, traffic lights and traffic signs, green areas and city plantations, etc.), the urgency of its solution;
- monitoring and prompt response to incidents, ability to process large volumes of queries, collect data on problems and monitor their solution