M1MT: Interactive master plan of the city

M1MT Interactive master plan of the city – is an innovative product of MagneticOne Municipal Technologies, the main task of which is the observance of the development strategy of the city. The interactive master plan is designed to display and implement the long-term policy of the local government in the use and development of the urban area.

An interactive master plan of the city allows you to replace more than a dozen of paper city-planning cartographic materials with the ability to quickly access and analyze their content. Among other benefits of the product is the accessibility to the public, which ensures transparency in the questions of the effectiveness of the representation of the interests of city residents by the relevant authorities or local government. The functionality of the interactive master plan of the city provides for navigation, data editing, operating with vector layers and cartographic basis, spatial analysis, address search, and etc. To work with an interactive master plan, the user does not need specialized software and qualifications of a GIS specialist, a web browser and Internet connection are sufficient.

Use the ability to quickly access information through the map application – geographic information system and mobile app synchronized with it.

Інтерактивний генеральний план міста
Інтерактивний генеральний план міста
Інтерактивний генеральний план міста

Interactive Master Plan – a reliable platform for making informed decisions

  • carry out operational monitoring of the planning structure and spatial composition of the building, follow the strategy of the development of the city;
  • carry out an operational analysis of the existing housing stock, service facilities, economic complex, engineering and transport infrastructure, engineering training and improvement, protection of the territory from dangerous natural and exogenous processes;
  • decide on the location and design of new construction, reconstruction, repair and improvement of the territory;
  • decide the issue of choice, withdrawal (redemption), provision of land ownership or use;
  • substantiating the expediency of developing and approving local building regulations, detailed territory plans, red line plans, and etc;
  • develops and approves local urban planning programs and programs for the socio-economic development of the city;
  • follow the appropriate land use regimes stipulated by the legislation and city planning rules;
  • determine the technical conditions for the placement and maintenance of engineering and transport infrastructure;
  • reflects the general state of the environment of the city, the main factors of its formation, city planning measures to improve the ecological and sanitary-hygienic state.

Approximate set of layers

  • limits of the city (existing and project);
  • the structure of land use: residential development, land for industrial, recreational purposes, etc.;
  • engineering communications (type, technical characteristics, etc.)
  • building regulations (sanitary protection, environmental, water and other protection zones);
  • public buildings (existing and project administrative buildings, social infrastructure, industrial facilities, public transport stops, etc., further illustrated with relevant building plans, photographs and other documents);
  • street and road profiles illustrated with relevant documents;
  • protection of the territory of the city and civil security of the population.
Геоінформаційна система

List of materials needed to create an interactive master plan

  • The master plan of the settlement (main drawing);
  • Scheme of existing planning constraints;
  • Scheme of project planning constraints;
  • Scheme of the engineering equipment of the territory (with the display of sewer and heating networks, routes of high-voltage power lines and gas supply);
  • Scheme of engineering training and protection of the city;
  • Cross street profiles.

Requirements, cost and timing of the order

The cost of creating an interactive master plan is based on a number of parameters: the area of the city, the number of thematic layers and the complexity of their configuration, the extensiveness of the database, as well as individual customer wishes. The deadline for creating a web map is up to 30 days from the date of the provision of the necessary materials and the signing of a cooperation agreement.

Services that precede map creation

  • Consulting
  • Scanning of paper documents and maps
  • Georeferencing of cartographic materials
  • Digitization
  • Provisioning of interactive map database
Коротка інформація

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