The company MagneticOne Municipal Technologies offers services on converting paper soil maps of different scale and complexity into electronic (digitized) form with parallel formations referenced to graphic objects of the database.
Digitization of soil maps is carried out by means of specialized software products (vectorizers). The result of digitization is a vector cartographic image which consists of a system of contours (boundaries of a certain soil type, boundaries of slopes steepness, the spread of drained lands, settlements and village councils, etc.), each of which is described by a certain parameter:
- full name of the soil;
- soil code;
- slope steepness;
- area of the soil contour, etc.
Advantages of using electronic soil map
- data on soil bottoming may be available on any device connected to the Internet (if the conversion of performed work in the appropriate format was specified);
- the possibility of operative updating of databases;
- adding and displaying new information, fixed to a certain soil contour;
- enhanced analysis and decision-making.